Rathore Conservation Restriction
Benefits to Harvard’s Conservation Efforts
Extends over 200 acres of open space benefitting wildlife and natural resources.
Protects a resilient and priority parcel as identified by Mass Audubon Society.
Creates access to a trail network for a neighborhood currently lacking access.
Prevents home development adjacent to conserved lands.
Improves forest health on a previously timbered property.
Protects a tributary to Elizabeth Brook.
About the Property
In late 2021, HCT learned about an offer to purchase and subdivide this property for the creation of a second house lot. Due to this property’s strategic position, HCT worked with the landowner to develop a Conservation Restriction (CR) to ensure the majority of the parcel would remain permanently protected. HCT also negotiated a public trail easement area that covers much of the protected area. The forested land had skid roads used for regular timber removal. The CR now requires restoring forest health through a forest management plan.
Adjacent to the newly protected (2022) Eastern Greenway conservation area, the Doctors Amin and Nahid Rathore Conservation Area adds 27 forested acres to the 216-acre conserved area to the south. It extends a large unfragmented natural landscape that has diverse habitat and supports a large number of bird and animal species.
A trail has been created to connect Mettacomet Path to the trails on the Eastern Greenway (South) and Tripp conservation lands. A forest management plan has been created to encourage climate resiliency, improve bird habitat, and improve ecological health to support HCT’s stewardship goals.